Christian Stewardship & Love Offerings

Linda Vista United Methodist Church > Christian Stewardship & Love Offerings


As we give thanks for this past year, we also look forward to the coming year and how our gifts and offerings will continue to support the ministries of this church.

As always, we want to thank you for your continued support and dedication to Linda Vista UMC. We rely on your generosity to keep our doors open and support other UMC related programs. Your gifts and offerings are a witness to the community and the world that they are God’s beloved people and their lives matter. ~Pastor Jeri Newell-Davis, English Ministry

Donations may be made by:
Writing a check to LVUMC and mailing it to:
Linda Vista United Methodist Church
6869 Tait Street
San Diego, CA 92111

Or make a Donation using a Credit or Debt card using PayPal

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Cape Town, South Africa